• "All That Is In God" by James Dolezal

    “All that is in God is God.” What does it mean when we say that God is not served by human hands (Acts 17:25) or that He does not change (Malachi 3:6)? The implications of the Bible’s teaching about the being of God have been pondered and developed for millennia...

  • How to do well in Summer Hebrew

    (This is a message I shared this summer with our Hebrew students at RTS Jackson enrolled in the Summer Institute of Biblical Languages.) I love helping students learn Hebrew. Here are a few rules that can help you do well in the class this summer. Never walk alone. Find a...

  • "The Color of Compromise" by Jemar Tisby

    “Racism never goes away.” In this book, Jemar Tisby paints a picture of America’s racist history and of his vision for an America without racial inequality. His evidence is selective, his rhetoric is vivid, but what’s missing from the earliest chapters is anything resembling a good and tight argument. Beginning...

  • "How The Nations Rage" by Jonathan Leeman

    There is more political power in the gospel and in being the church than there is in electing a president, installing a Supreme Court justice, or even changing a constitution. Here’s the most important statement in this book: “Everyone is a theonomist.” (Who could have predicted at the beginning of...

  • "A Theology of Biblical Counseling" by Heath Lambert

    Heath Lambert is concerned with “establishing what God has revealed about counseling” (13). As a biblical counselor, he believes that the goal of counseling should be solving mankind’s main problems. In his view, the Bible both claims to be and is sufficient for accomplishing that. On the front end of...