• Vitringa on liberal arts and ministerial education

    Vitringa preached as well as practiced the principle that ministers should have a broad liberal arts education in preparation for their theological studies. Those who argued for a shorter, streamlined course of training were seriously mistaken. Ministers must become people of broad scholarship. Knowing great thinkers of earlier times produces...

  • John Owen on God's school of theology

    For as unto them whom the Spirit of God undertakes to instruct, he requires that they be meek and humble, that they give themselves unto continual prayer, meditation, and study in the word day and night; above all, that they endeavor a conformity in their whole souls and lives unto...

  • "Gospel-Shaped Marriage" by Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn

    In this book, Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn teach us that the gospel of Jesus Christ contains within itself a new power and a new principle for human relationships. They apply this truth to the domain of marriage. The more we understand how God has welcomed, loved, and forgiven us...

  • Rock as trivial adolescence

    “Rock music is intrinsically trivial, and I say this as a rock music fan who has been to more concerts than I can remember. Rock began as teenage rebellion in the affluent post-war years and was rapidly commodified. The very concept of “teenager” emerged as part of a perceived commercial...

  • What happens after we become more efficient?

    My question about all this is: And then? You rush through the writing, the researching, the watching, the listening, you’re done with it, you get it behind you — and what is in front of you? Well, death, for one thing. For the main thing. But in the more immediate...